Friday, July 16, 2010

Telephone Perturbance

I’m going to be completely honest with you. I hate talking on the phone. It’s not that I don’t like people or am a sociopath still clinging to my telegram, it’s the lack of actual contact. In fact, it’s worse than that; it’s the illusion of actual contact. Just because you can hear someone’s voice doesn’t mean it can replicate a face-to-face connection. However, I can have hours-long IM conversations, and why? Because it completely removes the illusion of contact. I’ve gotta be all-or-nothing, otherwise it feels fake.

Think about it. On the phone, a single awkward pause can destroy the illusion of real communication. Of course, the other problems are lack of facial expression and body language, which really puts me off. As one who takes an interest in psychology, I try to not only listen to peoples’ words, but observe their actions and how they conduct themselves. This is why I prefer video chat. I feel like the phone is an effigy; it’s a poor substitute for real, personal contact. It almost feels like the responses from the other end of the line are recorded. Which, when you think about it, isn’t hard to imagine. Just the thought turns me off to phone conversations.

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